our mission...
empower grow work build thrive recognize influence educate empoderar crecer trabajar construir prosperar reconocer influencia educar تمكين العمل ينمو بناء تزدهر التعرف على تأثير التعليم autonomiser grandir travail construire prospérer reconnaître influence éduquer potenziare la crescita del lavoro costruire prosperare riconoscere l'influenza educare להעצים לצמוח לבנות לבנות לשגשג להכיר השפעה לחנך
our purpose....
guide support develop konfidence kompete strive succeed /span> guía apoyo desarrollar confianza competir objetivos lucha دليل دعم تطوير الثقة تنافس الأهداف نسعى جاهدين guide soutien développer confiance objectifs concurrence efforcer supporto alla guida sviluppare la fiducia, gli obiettivi di competizione competono מדריך תמיכה לפתח אמון להתחרות מטרות שואפים
Liz Rose, Owner, Salon Ethos, Newport OR
“Not only has she increased my personal skill-set, she’s helped me to become a better mentor and coach for my own team of stylists at Salon Ethos. Her gifts keep on giving! Each Year we host a Charity/Hair Trend Show Case. And each year the event continues to grow and improve! Without Kris’ expertise and guidance, this would not have been possible!”
Sally Montavon
Hello Kris, The depth of my gratitude I have for you is still difficult to put into words. I don't know if you have ever heard the expression of the " white elephant" as an obstacle or challenge with in an environment, typically a professional one. I believe you have helped me to find mine. I knew it was there, I just couldn't find or see it. I feel incredibly awake and aware of it now. Your story of the elderly woman who commented on your shoes will be forever with me. As much as i want to pour my heart into this email with my realizations since our conversation in my office, please know what you have done for me will be life altering. You have changed the way I see. I feel a little like 'the world looks different' to me now. Maybe it was inspiration, a new perspective or wisdom, probably a combination. YOU profoundly effected me AND my team with far more than a creative color concept. We will be beginning some activities to develop our eye, explore the world of 'good taste' and expand our creativity. I will drop you a message as to how we are doing. Please be safe in all your travels.
Audi, Mane Attractions Salon
Cannot thank you enough nor can I think of anything you could have done to make the class more successful. You gave so much more than promised and are such a pleasure to be with. Your professionalism, organization, creativity, and generosity are such a gift, we are truly blessed. I especially love your honesty and the way in which you encouraged us to be honest/accountable with ourselves, big step! Your personal stories were pertinent and made us all feel even more invested in you and your lessons. B-ing and bespoke will be with me forever now.
Joanne Powers
Kris, On behalf of The Salon Professional Academy Tampa, we thank you for a day to remember. As the doors opened on a Sunday morning, the students gave tours and the designers from the Tampa Bay area entered, the feeling throughout the house was taken to a higher level of inspiration. We talk about the importance of the experience for our guest in our salons, well on Sunday, August 22, 2010 the students, educators, and designers felt the experience in its purest form. Kris, your grace, beauty and astonishing ability to lead a class was enlightening to all that participated. My favorite moment was watching you have lunch with our students, and with an authentic heart sharing your thoughts. We are thankful you chose the beauty industry for your passion, but more important I am proud to call you my friend. Thanks so much!
Gina Humphrey
I’m Gina Humphrey, a Redken artist in Texas. Recently, I was privileged to spend a day with Redken’s Global Artistic Director Kris Sorbie as she mentored a salon’s leadership team. I learned so much! We were with the leadership team of Chemistry Hair Salon in Bossier City, Louisiana. Kris began the session with the salon’s list of goals and objectives By the end of the day, the salon’s leadership team had a strategic calendar of activities that would lead them to achieve their goals!!! Kris was amazing. She was energizing and calming at the same time. I love people like that! You know how trying to absorb lots of information can overwhelm you … You can feel like you’re trying to take a drink of water from a fire hydrant! You start thinking: “there is no way I can achieve all this!” Not with Kris, she has a unique way of teaching that can leave you charged up and ready to get started – and yet relaxed at the same time! This is because you know by the end of the day you will have a plan of action specifically tailored for your salon. If you’re looking for a mentor, I highly recommend Kris Sorbie. She has worked behind the chair with a salon team of her own. She speaks our language, and she wants to show you how to be successful. Kris is someone you will want to learn from. But she’s also someone you’ll want to know. Thanks, Kris!